Sunday, August 3, 2008

Result from What Kind of Significant Other Am I?

Your result for The What Kind of Significant Other Are You? Test...

The Intellectual

You scored 68% Loyalty, 0% Innocence, 60% Sexuality, and 84% Curiousty!

Simply put, you're most likely a deep thinker. You want to learn more about things, as much as you can. Most likly, you've had a few relations, a few experiences. This is truer the lower the innocence score. You're probably not overly sexually driven, or at least not much above anyone else. This is not to say that you don't have a libido, the the lower the sexuality score, the less interested in sex you are.

. As for committment in a relationship, a low score means that you're either not very trusting, not looking for a long-term relationship, or not optimistic of them.

If you do decide to get back into the dating scene, you might want to lighten up a bit and reguard people with a little more trust and relationships with a little more optimism before you go off starting things. Other than someone like you, your best bet is The Nerd, and The Anchor. With The Anchor, you have to keep in mind that they expect relationships to go somewhere, and it would be pointless and cruel to lead them on. Be honest with what you want and how confident you are about the future of a relationship....and try not to run for the hills on the slightest problem.

You'll probably hurt the Faithful Love-Pet and you'll completly RUIN The Hidden Passion if your scores on loyalty are are very low....and neither one of these are going to be able to satify your need for a deep, fullfilling conversation if their curiousty level is low.

The Object |
The Pervert |
The Playful Fox |
The Virgin |
The Nerd |
The Closet Pervert |
The Cybersex Fiend |
The Companion |
The Anchor |
The Faithful Love-Pet |
The Loving Fox |
The Angel |
The CyberRomantic |
The Hidden Passion |
The Lonely Fox

Take The What Kind of Significant Other Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Scientology Aims To Recruit Hannah Montana

John Travolta, who is currently working with Hannah Montana on an upcoming movie, seeks to recruit the young starlet into the Church of Scientology

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A Letter to Scientology Regarding the Evils of Miley Cyrus

Cracked blogger Daniel O'Brien warns the Church of Scientology about the dangers involved in recruiting Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus.

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Kalamazoo City Commissioner Don Cooney to make bid for U.S.

KALAMAZOO -- Six-term Kalamazoo City Commissioner Don Cooney says he will file nominating petitions to challenge Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Fred Upton in November.Cooney, considered to be a strong, liberal advocate on the nonpartisan Kalamazoo commission, will run as a Democrat and currently is the party's only announced contender.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Operation: Mindfuck - Golden Apple Seed Missions. This is a wiki about The Golden Apple Corp's latest movement. It's a call to action for Discordians and any member of the free-thinking lunatic fringe. Get involved in really zany and awesome projects both on the internet and IRL. Team up with likeminded dingledodies and explode across the fnord.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Celine after the Quest

Celine after the Quest
Originally uploaded by Icarus!
Hi -- I've been hanging around in SL lately, and sending a series of pictures back from my avatar. This is the first of a series that are on my Flickr page.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Stephen Colbert Joins Illuminati

CIN Newz! reports that news host Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" has joined the Illuminati secret society, in response to his request in July 2007.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Planet Eris, recently discovered, bigger than Pluto

The dwarf planet formerly known as Xena is larger than Pluto.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Clinamen: All of value is impermanent

Clinamen: All of value is impermanent
One of the contributors to the Maybe Logic Academy does this blog...

Only Maybe: A Wicked Wiki in the future

Only Maybe: A Wicked Wiki in the future
These folks are from the Maybe Logic Academy, where Robert Anton Wilson was teaching during his last years. They discussed the formation of the ILLUMINATUS! Wiki, which NEED INPUT!

The Wiki is HERE!

Added 4/12:
Strangely enough, I found that there's a wikia devoted to the Illumiatus! Trilogy that's been around for a year and a day that's HERE -- different folks!

So now there's a CHOICE -- the Maybe Logic Academy one and the Wikimedia Foundation one...


Originally uploaded by Icarus!
Made for the makemeamerica Colbert Web Site -- me, Stephen''s book, and the icons his system gave me when I was religionized and started the account -- all combined with an OLD American icon...
I got to the web site after Stephen's Religionizer converted me to the religion shown...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

After 70 years, Creator of Superman Gets His Rights Back

In a stunning decision, a court has corrected one of the greatest injustices in comics history: "After seventy years, Jerome Siegel’s heirs regain what he granted so long ago – the copyright in the Superman material that was published in Action Comics Vol. 1."

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Lakotah Elder Russell Means Speaks Out!

Lakotah, formally and unilaterally withdraws from all agreements and treaties imposed by the United States Government on the Lakotah People.

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Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States. "We are no longer citizens of the United States of America," Indian rights activist Russell Means said.

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Colbert Hopes to Join Illuminati World Depopulation Plan

Stephen Colbert made heavy reference to the Illuminati and their plan to depopulate the world, noting that he too can make strange hand signs and wants to be recruited. Whether Colbert takes depopulation seriously or not, it truly is a key part of the globalist's plan for world domination-- United Nations, Henry Kissinger, Georgia Guidestones....

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