Sunday, August 3, 2008

Result from What Kind of Significant Other Am I?

Your result for The What Kind of Significant Other Are You? Test...

The Intellectual

You scored 68% Loyalty, 0% Innocence, 60% Sexuality, and 84% Curiousty!

Simply put, you're most likely a deep thinker. You want to learn more about things, as much as you can. Most likly, you've had a few relations, a few experiences. This is truer the lower the innocence score. You're probably not overly sexually driven, or at least not much above anyone else. This is not to say that you don't have a libido, the the lower the sexuality score, the less interested in sex you are.

. As for committment in a relationship, a low score means that you're either not very trusting, not looking for a long-term relationship, or not optimistic of them.

If you do decide to get back into the dating scene, you might want to lighten up a bit and reguard people with a little more trust and relationships with a little more optimism before you go off starting things. Other than someone like you, your best bet is The Nerd, and The Anchor. With The Anchor, you have to keep in mind that they expect relationships to go somewhere, and it would be pointless and cruel to lead them on. Be honest with what you want and how confident you are about the future of a relationship....and try not to run for the hills on the slightest problem.

You'll probably hurt the Faithful Love-Pet and you'll completly RUIN The Hidden Passion if your scores on loyalty are are very low....and neither one of these are going to be able to satify your need for a deep, fullfilling conversation if their curiousty level is low.

The Object |
The Pervert |
The Playful Fox |
The Virgin |
The Nerd |
The Closet Pervert |
The Cybersex Fiend |
The Companion |
The Anchor |
The Faithful Love-Pet |
The Loving Fox |
The Angel |
The CyberRomantic |
The Hidden Passion |
The Lonely Fox

Take The What Kind of Significant Other Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy